Is Cruise to Cash a Good Company That is Easy to Market

Released on: May 2, 2008, 4:37 pm

Press Release Author: Sheila Mandy

Industry: Advertising

Press Release Summary: I recently saw something that really caught my eye. A company
that claimed you could get unlimited vacations and also make unlimited profits. As
anyone would be I was a little skeptical so I did some searching around. I then came
across something that said if I wanted to try the system out I could test it out
free for 7 days. I thought that was more then enough time to see what cruise to cash
was all about so I signed up as a free member.

Press Release Body: Now, when I first started reading through everything I was
excited because the website said that there was no need to call any leads or spend a
ton of money on advertising. They claimed the system was 98% automated. I\'m a big
skeptic so I was prepared for the worst, but I figured what the heck it\'s free.

So I started out by going to a few forums and placing a few free ads here and there,
I even wrote an article. Now the first day came and went and I said, \"Ok same old
deal, if I want to make any sales I\'m going to have to buy leads.\" But when I turned
on my computer the second day to my total amazement it said I had already gotten 3
signups. Now two of them were free members but one actually signed up. I didn\'t
even have to talk to them or anything. That\'s when I realized what they were talking
about when they said they had a system that closed deals for you. I was very excited
and angry at the same time. I was excited, because I was happy that the system
worked. Angry because I was mad that I hadn\'t signed up earlier. Reason being as a
free member I was not eligible to receive any commission. The free test drive is
more for getting a look at all of the tools and training they have. I was still
happy though because not too long after I signed up one of the two people that were
free members signed up so that made me feel a lot better.

So now whenever anyone asks, is cruise to cash a scam, I just point them towards the
website and wait for them to sign up. I also wanted to add that their training is
very good. Their back office has everything you need to get going. And as I said
earlier, you really don\'t have to worry about calling and trying to close leads any
more because the cruise to cash system takes care of it for you.

So in closing, is cruise to cash a scam? Absolutely not, it\'s a very good company
that\'s easy to market, (everyone loves vacations) and gives you unlimited vacations
at the same time so it\'s a win/ win.

Get more info on how to work with cruise to cash leader and receive free special
training website.

Web Site:

Contact Details: Sheila Mandy

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